Life Interrupted. Review Monday: Dragon Scales by Sasha L. Miller

26822456After work and my internet got in the way of me putting up this post yesterday as well, I figured I could start a new segment on the blog and call it Life Interrupted. So for the days like last Wednesday when I had no concept of time till Friday or yesterday’s madness, I can still put up the day’s post, just on the day I have the time to do so.

Either that or I should just have the posts pre-written like days before :). I’ll keep you guys posted on what I do end up deciding on.

But anyway, on to today’s review!

When I first got into M/M romance (and by that I mean the novels and not the fanfiction which started years before that with SasuNaru, the ultimate pairing. Lol) the first author I discovered was Megan Derr. The second author was Sasha L. Miller.

See there are things I love in my romance stories. Firstly, I love the romance. I want to see that relationship develop. I want to see it happen and I want it to happen as organically as possible. And Sasha L. Miller gives me that. Even more amazingly, she gives me that with as little sex as possible and I think that’s an art because sometimes we forget and think that romance stories are sex stories. They’re not. There are so many other things to romance other than the sex (although that in itself can also be an added bonus 😉 ) and one thing you’re guaranteed from reading a Sasha L. Miller story is just that. A romance story. There might not be a scorching sex scene but the story is still romantic to its core and this is the case in Dragon Scales.

Dragon Scales is a short, lovely read that is typical Sasha L. Miller (and by typical I don’t mean boring. Just that when I buy a Sasha L. Miller novel I expect to feel warm, and happy and engrossed in the world building). You have a fairy who’s in a bind and who has to capture a dragon and a dragon who cannot keep his clothes on and who seems bent on keeping the fairy safe even though the fairy tried to capture him.

It’s short. It’s sweet. It’s romantic. It’s brilliant. And it’s just the something sweet to read right as we’re getting into the Valentine season.


So click on the image below to get yourself a copy.



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